Specialised prenatal and postnatal workouts, treatments and guidance.

  2e Sint-Janshof 8-10 Rotterdam    Send Whatsapp     |     

Pregnancy course: in Rotterdam or online

In 5 practical, courses you will be prepared physically and mentally for the delivery. Matters such as respiratory therapy, pelvic floor training, the prevention of damage to the abdominal wall or pelvic floor during childbirth are discussed.
The courses are given (in Rotterdam and/or online) by pelvic floor physical therapist Stephanie Leyh and are the result of over 20 years of education and experience in pre and post natal care. She already guided thousands of women to enjoy a healthy, pregnancy and smooth delivery!

Find out more about the courses and how to register below. 

mastitis behandeling

Women do not have to experience any pain and should be able to feel fit during their pregnancy

Stephanie: “It is my goal to improve the lives of (pregnant) women. I am deeply convinced that with proper guidance and preparation, women do not have to experience any pain and should be able to feel fit during their pregnancy, that a delivery can go smoothly and that young mothers can then enjoy their newborn baby more. Moreover, no woman should accept incontinence after giving birth. It is my mission to make this message known everywhere.”


5 classes to prepare for delivery and smooth recovery

Attend the classes at our practice or comfortably from home via ZOOM.


1. PROTECT your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles

How can you protect your abdominal muscles during pregnancy and prevent damage to your pelvic floor during delivery? This is one of Mother-in-Motion’s signature workshops! (more information)


Benefits from this course: 

  • Detailed explanation of anatomy and function of the pelvic floor as well as the abdominal muscles.
  • Preventative pelvic and abdominal core muscle techniques to optimize your pregnancy and delivery, increasing strength for an asymptomatic “diastasis”.
  • “Live and engaging” exercises for the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.

2. DISCOVER how to power through labor & options for pain relief

How can you tap better into your natural resources and save your energy for an optimal delivery?  This workshop includes expert consultant and obstetric anesthesia provider, Roseann Diehl, PhD, DNP, CRNA. She has more than 20 years of experience as an anesthesia provider. (more information)


Benefits from this course:

  • Current pain relief options during labor.
  • Hormonal changes during different phases of labor and how you can enhance these natural powerful phenomena for the best labor and delivery.
  • Practical tips, postural advice, and helpful tools for different stages of labor creating a smoother delivery.

3. DEVELOP functional breathing techniques for optimal oxygenation for you and your baby

What is the best breathing pattern for optimal oxygen levels for you and your baby throughout your entire pregnancy and throughout all phases of delivery? This course uses the principles of the Capno Trainer® and respiratory psychophysiology. (more information)


Benefits from this course:  

  • Become aware of your own breathing behavior and learn how to modify your technique for maximal oxygenation.
  • Understand the benefit of tissue oxygenation during pregnancy and its positive effect on end-organ performance.
  • Practice customized breathing techniques for all phases of delivery to facilitate maximal oxygen absorption and a more “relaxed” delivery.

4. ENHANCE postpartum recovery of your pelvic abdominal core.

How do you prepare for the most effective recovery possible postpartum—what to know now. This workshop tells you everything “that your girlfriends haven’t told you”. It is the postpartum do’s and don’ts. (more information)


Benefits of this course:

  • Walk through the first 6 weeks of postpartum healing week by week.
  • Receive professional advice to support your healing processes:  incontinence, prolapse, vaginal pain, neck and back pain, diastasis, pelvic floor dysfunction, hemorrhoids, and other postpartum discomforts. 
  • Engage in practical, safe pelvic floor and abdominal exercises within the first 6 weeks. Address expectations for the period beyond, “When can I start running again?” What are warning signs of “over doing it” and overstraining possibly your organs of the pelvic floor or stomach muscles?  

5. EMPOWER your partner with knowledge to help you through the delivery and recovery

How can your partner support you best during delivery and the recovery?  This workshop is attended by both of you but specifically designed for your partner. With this course you ensure that your partner is well prepared to be THE "helping hand" during labor and recovery, so that there is an optimal interaction between the two of you. (more information)


Benefits of this course: 

  • Expert information for the partner related to all labor and delivery phases, fostering a deeper understanding of how to help at all times.
  • Practical hands-on techniques for partners to ease pain, and help your partner relax.
  • Expert advice for the partner about the first 6 weeks postpartum for optimal recovery and the best start for your new born baby. 

Join all 5 online courses with our package deal - save 10%

The Mothers in Motion prenatal courses cán be purchased separaty, but were developed as a series. We advise all moms-to-be to follow all five courses and that’s why we offer a package deal for € 270,- (10% discount).

I want to join 1 course for 60 euro*

1. PROTECT your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles
2. DISCOVER how to power through labor & options for pain relief
3. DEVELOP functional breathing techniques for optimal oxygenation for you and your baby
4. ENHANCE postpartum recovery of your pelvic abdominal core.
5. EMPOWER your partner with knowledge to help you through the delivery and recovery

Yes, I want to join

I want to join all five courses with ALL knowledge, insights and exercises to go throught pregnancy, delivery and recovery optimally and without complications. 

Package deal
5 Mothers in Motion prenatal courses now only 270 euro!
This is a discount of 10%

Start dates:

Yes, I want to join

(If a date in the series is inconvenient for you, you can always follow that workshop later!)
* Often (partially) reimbursed by health insurance

More training & guidance?

Do you have specific complaints or questions that you would like to discuss one-on-one with Stepanie?
Send a Whatsapp message for information or contact us to plan an ONLINE CONSULTATION.